Zaara Aesthetics Policies
Booking Policy
We ask that you please reschedule at least 24 hours before the beginning of your appointment or you may be charged a cancellation fee of 50% the price of your scheduled appointment.
Cancellation Policy
The cancellation policy allows us the time to inform our standby guests of any availability, as well as keeping our Zaara Aesthetics team members' schedules filled, thus better serving everyone. Zaara Aesthetics policies are presented and provided in the best quality and tradition of excellent service for our established and future clientele. Thank you for viewing and supporting our policies criteria.
Late Policy
Please be aware that a 15-minute grace period has been established for your scheduled appointment. It is important to note that, should you arrive beyond this allotted time, we reserve the right to decline service. In order to guarantee a smooth and hassle-free experience, we kindly ask that you make every effort to arrive promptly and avoid any potential inconveniences.